I read most of my blogs in Google Reader. It keeps all my posts organized in one area where I can read and admire pictures with just the simple scroll down of the mouse. It is lovely. Truly.
But we all know what Google Reader is capable of.... lack of comments. And I'm not just talking about what I receive, I'm talking about what I give out as well.
I often times will read a post, laugh hard, cry a bit or just sit in awe over what ya'll are sharing with me each day. Then I'll scroll down and notice a whole new amazing post and forget that I hadn't commented on the post I had just previously read. I know, fooey to me!
So blah blah blah to you Google Reader. I have so many mixed feelings over our relationship.
But I'll brush it off, now that that has been said, and I'll move on.
Gee gosh golly, it's almost a Holly Jolly Christmas! I'm so excited but my eyes are darn tired.
I'm wrapping up the last of my Holiday Photo Sessions to close down the business till the new year where ALL new changes are taking place. I'm excited!!!!
And... WE FINALLY GOT A CALL BACK ON A JOB! Now, I'm not getting too excited. It's a serious job that needs much thought, prayer, and research over. It's a job in Tuscon, Arizona. Hmm... never thought I'd be one ever living in AZ, but anyway... it would entail something about a house and TEN kids... so that is what I mean by taking some serious consideration. We leave this upcoming Sunday to visit the Organization and check it out.
But... this Wednesday, my precious one turns 1. I can't believe it. I just can't.
My goodness, there is just so much in store for us here, I don't even know where to start. So I'll finish with, I'll work on commenting more often! I'll let you know how that Arizona job pans out. And look forward to some pictures of Joss hitting that 12 month mark... it will be a doozy!
Oh, and since I haven't yet...
1 - I'm having a hate relationship with google reader lately. It's been making personal decisions for me...like which blogs I should and shouldn't read. It's dropping some duplicating others, very annoying.
ReplyDelete2 - I will be praying for you and this job. You have such an incredible heart and God will show you the way. :)
Oooh here you are my dear friend!! I have been wondering where you went! I admit, I don't use google reader very often because of the commenting thing. I feel like it makes it all too easy to just scroll through things. I find from my dashboard, I spend quality time on the blogs I care about. So I totally see what you're saying about Google reader. Bah. My thoughts and prayers are with your family as your considering this new job opportunity! I just know that you will make the right decision, or rather, it will be made for you :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Joss is ONE on Wednesday! Ohhhh or babies are growing up WAY to fast. Eeek!
I know how you feel. I don't use google reader though I am just the queen of lack of comments google reader or not lol. I just don't leave comments like I want to or sometimes feel I should. I love to read and read often but when it comes to giving feedback or just joining in...I think sometimes I just freeze up. Could be why my blog has so little posts too.
ReplyDeleteAnyways I will be praying for you all. It can be so hard to take that first step in the right direction whatever it is so I'll be praying God grates you peace and confidence to step out how he needs and wants.
I know it's been this way for a while but I love your new blog set up. It's so friendly and cheery! :)
Wow, a job in AZ?????? I can't wait to hear more on Friday :)
ReplyDeleteAnd holy cow... 10 shoots in one week??? I was stressing the other week when I had 5!
I started out in Google Reader and it never really captured my fancy -- my hubby found another programme called Net News Wire and it downloads all my blogs. I do have to physically visit a blog to comment on it but I find that suits me better. Plus once I've downloaded everything for the day, I don't have to be on the internet to read it (like if I'm travelling which is a consistent part of life for us).
ReplyDeleteThat's really exciting about the possibility of the new job in Arizona! I pray you (and the organisation) have the wisdom you need to know if its the job for your family!