Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm Featured at The Skinned Knees

Recently, I signed up to participate in The Whimsy Journal making me one of The Whimsy Nine, started by The Skinned Knees.  That sparked a budding communication and blog friendship with Christy, author of The Skinned Knees and creator of The Whimsy Journal.

The beginning of this week, I received an email from Christy, asking if I would be willing to be interviewed for her first series of

So I turned in my answers, and today it was published.  If you're interested in getting to know a little more about me personally, head on over to The Skinned Knees to read my interview {also, Christy has an excellent blog and either way, I strongly recommend heading over there to check her out}.

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I'll be sure to check it out later tonight (we're driving to my inlaws this afternoon as soon as I get out of training). Have a great weekend!

  2. YAy! How fun! Heading over to check it out right now! :)

  3. so exciting, congrats to you! I am going to pop over and read it now. Way to go that makes a girl feel accomplished for sure.
