Friday, August 1, 2008

First Doctor Visit

Yesterday was our very first doctor visit. Not so exciting normally, but this one went unusually strange. Originally, Jon wasn't going to be able to go with me, so I asked his soon-to-be nurse sister to tag along and she so gratefully did. First we went to Panera bread for lunch since a bread bowl sounded so yummy to me. We finished with lunch a little early so we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. As we were waiting in line I was noticing all the fried food they sell along with their ice cream and I started to get a little nauseated. It was almost our time to order when I started dry heaving in line so I ran to a bathroom that I prayed would exist, which it did. After I was done I went back into line to find Ashley had already order and started eating her ice cream (but I didn't mind since I wasn't about to put anything back down my stomach) so we left.

As we were leaving we got a text from her sister and we decided to bring her along. I figured two guests weren't that bad. As we were heading to the doctors office, my husband called and said he was almost there. By now I would have an entourage.

At the appointment only my husband was allowed in. I had the normal pap and then she measured the size to see how far along I am. Here's the saddening part. I am actually earlier than I thought. Good part, baby still exists. Sad part, she or he will be in there longer than I was anticipating. My nurse practitioner proceeded to do an informal ultrasound anyway since she new I was a little bummed. Jon and I could see just a tiny tiny glimpse of a white dot which is that precious little baby inside of me.

OOh, also part of the sadness. I had been feeling pretty nauseous recently but it wasn't that bad, well possible explination I am now only 6 1/2 weeks preggers. Could be so much more sickness to come!!!

Anyway, I have 6 more weeks till I can hear that heartbeat!

1 comment:

  1. YOu will hear that little one's heart beat sooner than you know it! Emetrol is the key to nausea!
