Thursday, December 4, 2014

You're Probably Wondering

 It's been a LONG while since my last post, which was a HUGE announcement to what is to come...  but I left you hanging.  So, let's wrap all this up so we can continue with our normal programming.  Here's what's gone on in our lives and all that we're hoping to happen.

As part of our learning to live simple, we've wrestled with whether or not we wanted internet at home.  We discovered that I'm far more productive at home and far more intentional when I don't have access to internet to distract me, or even more so, to make me feel like whenever a job assignment comes in I have to do it right there, right then.  So we chose to go without internet.  Without internet though, my blogging life has been a little tricky- hence the silence!

So, now that I've explained a little- what have we been up to?

I've been busy juggling quite a bit of things.  My most favorite is my progress as a domesticated house wife.  Since we've moved to our little home, Jon and I committed to a more simpler lifestyle and are working towards learning new ways to simplify & self produce.  Do I secretly wish I was in the pioneer days- you betcha!

And lets not forget the newest venture- Sweet Tea & Co- that I announced and left ya'll hanging.  So what is Sweet Tea & Co?  Sweet Tea & Co is first and foremost a ministry.  It's my heart for all things tea, women, & discipleship.  It's will be an online community with all things tea time, from recipes to how to's and what's what, to discipleship devotionals & Bible Studies.  My hope is that women gather together, whether a small intimate gathering or a large group, and experience the beauty of tea & community.  I've been hard at work getting all the pieces together for it's launch!

But probably the greatest reason for my silence on this blog has been just choosing to live intentionally with people face to face.  The more I've dived into my family, my friends, and my neighborhood, the less time I've found available to actually sit and write out all that I wanted to write out.  I've tried to go deeper.  Deeper with relationships.  Deeper with intentions.  Deeper with my own heart into all things so that my moments count.  It's important to me that whether I write a blog post, post on instagram, make dinner, or hand out food to the homeless, that my moments are investments into something bigger than myself.

So what does that all mean for this blog... well it means I've got to take it as it goes.  If I get a moment, or free wifi, then I'll get to blog- and I do have posts in the works set to come out soon (and a whole 'lotta drafts that have never been published that may go live), so here's what I'm aiming for in December and maybe if I write them here, I'll actually be accountable to post them.

 How to take your own family photos
 Simplifying before the Holidays
 and of course, plenty of personal posts & lots of photos!

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