Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our Little Family Business

So, for a hobby of mine, I started taking pictures of family and friends (and made some new friends along the way).  So many people say I need to rack up my prices, but honestly, I love what I do, so as long as my gas is being paid, I'm ok with it.  And I love logos so much that I had to make my hobby a logo (which changes so often).  Yes, it is a little budding business, and one day, if it could provide for us, then wonderful, if not, I'm ok with it because it's so much fun!!!

So, we packed up our little family and drove the hour or so to Huntington Beach where I used to work for the most amazing family as a nanny, to take pictures for an old childhood friend and his family.  Huntington Central Park was our location of choice, and it was perfect.

It was so much fun to work as a family, and by "work as a family", I do mean "work as a family..."

And because this shoot turned out AMAZING, I'll give you a little peek at what the day brought.

Yup, the Dunbar family is incredibly photogenic and I couldn't have been more grateful for the opportunity to capture this time in their lives!


  1. How sweet Jhen!! I just love how your family does stuff like this together <3 These are memories yall won't ever forget! I love how your shots turned out too!

  2. Wow so beautiful! I love how all of your pictures have such a romantic feel.

  3. Jhen, you are so inspiring !
    When people do what the love, I think the greatest gift WE get is seeing other people smile ! Anymore people are all about wanting to earn BIG money!!! I simply didn't have the money this year to pay for my boys football pictures so I had my own photo shoot with them ! Let me tell ya, the memories we'll have of laughing together and posing the way they wanted too was the BEST part :)
    Have a fabulous week :)

  4. Awe so sweet! I love that you bring your family on these shoots!!

  5. You have the sweetest family, Jhen! I love how you use your gifts, like photography to bless other people!

  6. Love the teacup and pearls photo! That is absolutely adorable!

  7. How sweet! I'm so happy to see your husband and sweet baby enjoying what YOU enjoy right alongside of you. Having their support is amazing. :) As are the photos...

  8. What sweet photos! Your pics of the baby are so precious (LOVE the little pink chair)...and mommy's "helper" is adorable behind the scenes! I love it! :-)

  9. These photos are great - I know they are thrilled with them. And I love how you're preparing your second shooter at such an early age!

  10. so cute :) I have been told the same thing about husbands says I like to give things away LOL

  11. you have the sweetest family and your pictures are amazing!
